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Make the right choices and avoid expensive mistakes


To understand, communicate with and serve your audience effectively, in the digital and in the physical, you need to make informed technology choices. With years of strategic, architectural and implementation experience, our Technology team can help you choose, integrate and exploit the right tools, fully realising their potential within your organisation.

It's Decision Support, perhaps where you need it the most.

How it works

Review your current technology platforms, what works, what doesn't and why, providing a gap analysis of where you are and where your business strategy says you need to be.
An integrated technology platform architecture and a robust and agile implementation plan, cognisant of the big-picture and providing the connectivity, functionality and integration you need.
Design, develop, test and implement each component of your technology strategy using your in-house team and/or our production experts. Full support comes as standard.


Our Technology service draws on insights and strategic plans, reviews the technologies you already have deployed and determines what you need to deliver your vision. We can then design the right solution.

Integrating best-of-breed platforms with bespoke development, we help manage the implementation to ensure best practices are followed and the results exceeds expectations.

Asking the right questions

Businesses of all sizes and sectors desperately seek experts who know how to devise integrated strategies for the digital era. Moreover, companies not only need answers, but need help in asking the right questions. Discover how Rika answers these challenges by delivering deep insight, strategy and customer experience excellence with our team of highly experienced digital professionals.


Make the right choices and avoid expensive mistakes.